Future Food-Tech San Francisco
Strengthening Sustainable & Nutritious Food Systems
As the world adjusts to the impacts of climate change, conflict, and a changing economic landscape, securing access to sustainable and nutritious food is more important than ever.
After returning to in-person events last year with a bang, Future Food-Tech is back in the epicentre of innovation, San Francisco, on March 16-17, 2023. The summit has become a global hub, connecting 1600 international food brands, ingredient providers, investors, start-ups and technology leaders, whilst digging into the crucial issues facing the food industry today.
Over the two-day summit, food-tech pioneers and visionaries will discuss innovative approaches to scaling alt-proteins, new formulations for healthier, nutrient packed foods, and commercial opportunities at the intersection of food and medicine.
This year, alongside an action-packed main agenda, expect to see even more ground-breaking innovator action in our new Start-Up Arena, with a front row seat for cooking demos, food tastings, pitching sessions and interactive workshops.
Hundreds of new partnerships will emerge from the summit, as deals are made over delicious plant-based lunches, networking cocktail evenings and a full program of 1-1 meetings.
Discover the summit’s key themes:
- Feeding the Future: Strengthening Sustainable Food Systems
- Scaling Alternative Proteins: The Recipe for Success
- Cell Cultivation: Production Methods Under the Microscope
- Food As Medicine: Driving Consumer Awareness
- Raising the Bar: Enhancing Nutrition in Plant-Based Foods
- Making Waves: Diving into Alt-Seafood Innovation
- Food x Health Nexus: Immunity, Cognition & Wellness
- Investor Landscape: Downturn Resiliency & Next Phase Funding
- 2030 Visions: Digging into the Future of Food
- The Power of Fungi: Breakthroughs for Health & Medicine
Website: https://futurefoodtechsf.com/
Registration page: https://futurefoodtechsf.com/register/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/foodtechinvest
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/future-food-tech/