Webinar: The Sustainable MycoProtein Future

Mar 1, 2022
Webinar: The Sustainable MycoProtein Future

Learn more about sustainable fermentation with the Plenitude Project partners.

Proposed Schedule

4-4:05 — Welcome | Gerard Klein Essink, CEO, Bridge2Food

4:05-4:20 — Investing in a Green & Sustainable Future | Luisa Mascia, project officer, CBE

4:20-4:40 — Future of Mycoprotein: Plenitude project | Jim Laird, CEO, Enough

4:40-4:55 — Research Outlook | Martijn Bekker, project leader, Wageningen University

4:55-5:20 — Panel discussion on the Business Interest of Mycoprotein:

  • : Cargill
  • : Alexander Lamm, IFF
  • : Bastien Bessaire, lactips
  • : Peter Verstrate, Mosa Meat
  • : Gian Luca Baldo, Life Cycle Engineering

5:20-5:30 — Q&A

5:30 — Closing | Gerard Klein Essink

Event Partners